Friday, May 1, 2015

The Largest of Everything

Human being never fails to impress us when it comes to technology and science. Here are just some of the biggest things discovered and invented. You will know interesting facts about each one of them.

Largest Insect

According to the Insect Museum of West China, they think they might have found the world's largest flying insect. It can usually be found in some places of China, India and Vietnam. Among the large dobsonflies, the Giant Dobsonfly is the biggest. The wingspan extends to more than 8 inches and can even cover your face. 

Largest Church

The Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro is known as the largest Roman Catholic Church according to Guinness Book of World Records. It was built in honor of Our Lady of Peace. It has a total area of 30 000 square meters and more than 150 meters high. As of today, it is being managed by the Polish Pallottines.

Largest Airplane

The Antonov An-225 Mriya or also known as the “Cossack” is the largest aircraft that was used by the Soviet Union during the 1980s. It was originally a cargo aircraft. The reason why it can be lifted high into the air is because of the 6 turbofan engines which allows it to take off at a maximum weight of 640 tonnes.

Largest Dinosaur

Having a neck measuring 37-foot long, a body weighing a total amount of 65 tones, the Dreadnoughtus schrani is the latest discovery to be the biggest of all dinosaurs. The fossils were discovered by US and Argentinian researchers. It took them few years to fully excavate its remains in Patagonia, Argentina. It was discovered to be a plant-eater dinosaur that existed more than 70 million years ago in the southern parts of South America.

Here is a video of their discovery of this giant animal:

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