Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Random Insane Facts About Animals

Here are the top 3 most insane facts about animals:

1.       African Wild Dogs takes care of the old

There are only a small number of animals that have human characteristics. One example are dogs. Most of the African wild dogs live with native families in Africa. They usually go in packs and they don’t leave behind any member of their group. Even with scarce food, they share it to everyone to make sure that no one gets hungry. After every meal, they always go back to their shelter and return to continue looking out for the ill, dying and very old individuals from their pack.  They usually bring them some food from their hunt.

2.       Dachshunds are more hostile than pitbulls

Pit bulls are very infamous for being really aggressive and sometimes they are mistaken to be the worst kind of dog to handle aggression. However, pit bulls are even one of the good-natured dogs. They’re jaws are just really powerful. But according to statistics, dachshunds have bitten or attacked more people than Pit bulls. They not only attack humans but they also have great aggression toward other kinds of dogs. Chichuahuas, Jack Russells and Beagles even over ranked Pit bulls when it comes to aggressiveness and human attacks.

3.       A green anaconda can be able to devour a person

A lot of people are afraid of snakes and only a few are willing to get near to it, especially to anacondas. Green anacondas are the heftiest kind of snake in the whole world. It can grow 30 feet long and can be as wide as 1 foot in diameter. Not only that, it can get heavier more than 500 pounds. But even though they look innocent, they can pounce on humans. However, we do not usually see them because they live in the most isolated part of the South American rain forests.

Here are more facts! 

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