Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fill Your Potato Heads

A potato is a very thick underground part of a stem that is edible and contains a moderately high amount of starch. Potatoes are one of the most widely used vegetables around the world and they are found in almost every kitchen in every place. Potatoes are delicious and nutritious since they have a high content of carbohydrates and vitamin C.

 There are many skin, hair, and health benefits of a potato.  When peeled, sliced, and put directly on the eyes, it can reduce the dark eye circles. Potato juice can treat wrinkles and ward them off. Potatoes can also fade away the dark spots, remove face blemishes, lighten skin, and lift dead cells. Potatoes can treat puffy eyes, sunburns, rashes, itchiness, dry skin, and bites from insects and pests. They can also be used as a natural facial cleanser by blending and mixing them with a teaspoon of baking soda. As for the hair benefits, potatoes can keep the hair healthy. A mask should be used once in twenty days to have shiny hair and best results. Potatoes can treat hair that turns into gray, and they can be used as a hair mask to prevent hair loss.

 For health benefits, potatoes can be a great substitute for your meal since it is made of complex carbohydrates and you will feel full afterwards because it makes your stomach feel like it is being filled up. Potatoes are good for the digestive system because it does not contain fat or proteins but too much intake will lead to acidity. Potato benefits also include vitamin B, potassium, magnesium phosphorus, iron, and zinc. Potatoes help fight heart diseases and also keep the blood pressure at normal. Flavonoids keep bad cholesterol levels low. Potatoes help fight stress and are great source of fiber. They help good bowel movements.

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