Saturday, December 20, 2014

Burgers Around The World

If we talk about burgers, you might think of the American continent. However, hamburgers weren't originally from America. The idea of it was brought by German travelers in the early 19s. Few years later, it became popular around the world. But what burgers are the most popular? Here are interesting facts about these famous sandwich-like food.

Berlin, Germany is not only known for their own great wall but also for their delicious and popular burgers called Buns. The delicious meat between the buns are sources from Brandeburg. In making this amazing food, fresh and seasonal ingredients are being mixed. This is usually sold in food trucks.

By its name, Meat Liquor doesn't just fill your stomach but will also make you a little bit of drunk. Not only does it filled with yummy meat but also a delicious cocktail. Side dish like fries is also served to pair with this kind of burger. Their burgers are also huge in size and a lot of ingredients are being added to the meal.

Switzerland is not only known for their cows, bread and cheese but also of a delicious burger called the Burger Foundation. The makers of this burger deliberately traveled overseas to US to learn the art of making mouthwatering burgers.

Pure and funky, those are what Burgerz in Netherlands all about. Sauces, vegetables, patties and even the buns are freshly made. Buns were baked from local bakers and patties are made from 100 % quality meat. Burgers are known for making people "fat" and unhealthy but this burger is believed to be good for your health with no additives or preservatives. If you are a vegan, there are vegetarian options for your standards. There are also inventive creations from the burger house.

Now this is a nice burger

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