Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Deadliest Job In The World

In this competitive world, everyone needs a job to be able to survive. If you don't get one, you'll end up homeless, starving and getting sick. That's why some of the people sacrifice their time and even their safety just to find something that will pay off. Some of which are the most dangerous and deadliest jobs in the world that most of us do not dare to take. Being a soldier is not the only deadly job. Here is a list of some of the most dangerous jobs the world has ever known.


During a survey in 2013, there were 59 fatal injured loggers, in the USA alone. What makes the job very dangerous is because of the things they use to cut these trees and also the falling, rolling and carrying of gigantic logs. These are not only the cases, sometimes weather is bad and landslides and mudslides occurs.


If not dangerous in the mountain, it seems to be dangerous at seas and oceans. Since the  pre-historic eras, fishing has been dangerous for brave men and women who want to hunt for oceanic creatures for food and money. Especially during bad weather, they do not stop from travelling the roaring winds and the gigantic waves of the ocean.

Aircraft and Flight Engineering

We are done with the sea and the mountains, now let's go to the skies. This does not just include airplane pilots but also with the small ones like helicopters and gliders. For the past months, we've heard a lot of news of airplanes and other kinds of air-vessels in accidents and even taking lives of people. However, being a pilot is the only part of this group but as well as crop dusters and instructional pilots.

Do you still want to take these things? Do you want to know what other jobs are dangerous? Here is a video by BBC Earth to show you.

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